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The literature of people is the one that seeks to discuss, expose and propose solutions to the daily problems of society, be it social, economic, moral, political or otherwise. Since literature is seen as reflecting life, literature and society are inseparable. To a certain extent this inspires literary artists who bring theories into the literature to affect their art in order to propose solutions to these problems and to show the way forward.
Satire is a kind of literature and sometimes graphic and performing arts, where vices, follies, abuses and falsities are bound to ridicule ideally with the intention of humiliating individuals and society itself, Even in improvement although Satire is usually funny, A more important purpose is often social corrective or constructive criticism using the mind as a weapon. Satire is now found in many forms of artistic expression, including literature, plays commentary and media. The word satire comes from the Latin word Satur and from the following sentence LanxSatura. Saturation meant “complete”, but the juxtaposition with Lanx moved the meaning of “variety or pastiche”, meaning a combination of different kinds. The Satirist uses a range of stylistic methods that can include irony, mockery, and Exaggeration and so on to attack madness. African Drama
Satire In Contemporary African Drama: A Case Study Of Harvest Of Corruption By Frank Ogodo Ogbeche And Death And The Kings Horseman By Wole Soyinka
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The Flemish Ministry of Education and Training awards scholarships to highly talented international students who want to study a master's programme at a Flemish university, a school of arts or ...
Universities of the Coimbra Group offer short-term visits (generally 1 to maximum 3 months) to young African researchers from higher education institutions from Sub-Saharan Africa. The main aim of ...